This droid was a model built by Jawa tinkerer Veek on the planet Tatooine during the Cold War. Veek used CRSEC-01 as a basis for his work. Shortly before the end of the Cold War Veek had already built several of these droids when the droids went crazy and started killing everyone around, before fleeing towards the Dreviad Wastes. Veek theorized that the cause of their madness was some kind of planet's deep core resonance which was interacting with the brains of the droids. He built a special ion cannon that he hoped would reset the droids' brains and return the droids back for their normal behavior. He asked a team of Republic operatives to help with his mission and they agreed. The operatives were unable to reset all the droids, but some of the were rebooted by a shot of Veek's ion canno, just as he had predicted, and returned back to Veek to his deep satisfaction.
Blaster pistol L09.a2.1
Primary weapon
Thermal grenade
Throw a thermal grenade at the target that deals heavy damage both to target and adjacent enemies.